Friday, September 20, 2019

Farewell DFI Fridays!

Last day of DFI  - back  to the real world of teaching on Fridays . Will miss hanging out with  amazing people and being treated to an  endless supply of good conversation,  coffee and cakes ( not forgetting the occasional pie)

 Umbiquitus the new word for me of the day. 

Today was entitled Revision and I needed a lot more of this to receive  a badge of DFI honour!

Having said that I have learned so much and will continue this journey back at school with my class.
Thank you to Cheryl for setting up a class blog and for being a calm positive influence !

While I am on the thank yous. Well done Manaiakalani Team. 

Friday, September 13, 2019

Matt on Media

Empowering people - a powerful message from Dorothy and relevant for us as it is Social Justice Week in NZ with the theme Fair,you say? (Caritas NZ)

Matt joined us from Point England School - the first Manaiakalani School. Good to hear where it all began.

Looked at Youtube playlists,  Live streaming some fun with drones ... cross country , team sports

Just registered for DFI exam disguised as shopping buy now !
Time to get out in the Gissy Sun Yay  Friday!

Friday, September 6, 2019

DFI Day 7 - Dealing with Data ....

Data is the theme of my  week ... Data to manage and measure behaviour .... Data app on our phones to find the wellbeing of staff  and now DFI  dealing with data ! How am I with dealing data ??? On a Friday afternoon I feel its a data blowout !!

On reflection that is what today is all about being smart with data and using it to benefit our learners and giving us a work life balance. 

Connecting with others .... really enjoyed reading some student blogs especially Sam's last post from his primary school blog ... tissues out! Inspiration to a beginning blogger.

Thanks to Stef for leading us and Perky for the pie!

Farewell DFI Fridays!

Last day of DFI  - back  to the real world of teaching on Fridays . Will miss hanging out with  amazing people and being treated to an  endl...